TallyPrime Release 5.0 | What’s New!

Master Your Accounting & Compliance Needs with Connected GST Simpler Uploads & Downloads : Upload GSTR-1 , GSTR-3B , and CMP-08 directly from TallyPrime to the GST portal. Download GSTR-1 , GSTR-3B , GSTR-2A , and GSTR-2B in just a couple of clicks. Effortless Filing : File your GSTR-1 directly from TallyPrime without even opening the portal. Choose your filing method such as DSC or EVC. Real-Time Party Information : Swiftly c reate and validate party ledgers using real-time details from the portal. No more manual entry of party information. Just fill the GSTIN/UIN of the party. Key Insights on ITC : Track your ITC at risk with great accuracy for one or even hundreds of suppliers using Bills Payable . Similarly, with Bills Receivable , track the status of invoice uploads against the pending bills of a party. Gain further clarity with detailed reports such as Ledger Voucher...